The International Day against Racism is celebrated every year on March 21. Around this day of action, the International Weeks against Racism take place nationwide with events and campaigns. The Diversity Action Alliance is made up of associations, charities, migrant organizations, institutions, initiatives, churches and many committed individuals and organizes the action weeks in Tübingen and the district.
The International Day against Racism was proclaimed by the United Nations in 1966. The occasion was the sixth anniversary of the violent suppression of a demonstration in Sharpeville (South Africa) under the apartheid regime at the time.
The International Weeks against Racism will take place from March 17 to March 30, 2025 under the motto "Protecting human dignity". A diverse program with over 20 events will send a strong signal for diversity, respect and human dignity. These include lectures, readings and film screenings with panel discussions, workshops, interfaith encounters and concerts. The program is aimed equally at adults, young people and children.
You can find the event overview here:
Program International Weeks against Racism 2025