Be honest with yourself: Who's really in the mood for the 100th sing-along concert at Christmas?
"...and at the end please all sing along to "O du fröhliche"!"
Nice present...
But if contemplation, then this is the best way to do it:
The ultimate combination of classic Christmas songs and the best of pop culture.
Pretty much everything from Handel to Haftbefehl!
That works? It works!
See for yourself and watch baritone Bastian Röstel and his partner in crime, pianist Benjamin Bach, redefine Christmas concert culture.
Will "Rudolph the red nosed reindeer" end up in the cooking pot? How do you seduce Santa Claus? What happens to Mary when she walks through the thorn forest?
And most importantly, what does the fox actually do?
Christmas has so much more to offer than Bach cantatas!
Nothing against Bach cantatas - but have you seen the movie "Anastasia"?
Get your fill of top-quality entertainment and take a look at Christmas from all angles.
Christmas fans will love it! ...And Christmas grouches even more!
Price information:
Box Office: 22 Euro