Grand Slam

PICK OF THE DAY Spoken word
In the organizer's words:

Grand Slam

Poetry slam at Augsburg's brechtbühne in the Gaswerk!
Every "Grand Slam" evening challenges the audience in its own way. Who is reading? What is on offer? Will I hear something funny or contemplative that evening? Anything is possible - and that's what makes the evenings so appealing! While conventional readings are characterized by dimmed lights and rather quiet sounds, you can experience everything at a poetry slam:
From love poems to freestyle rap to funny prose. The "Grand Slam" is a poetic eavesdropping attack at the brechtbühne in the Gaswerk. The audience alone decides in the evening - with their applause - and selects the slam poet of the month.

So it's your applause that counts! The slam winner of the month will receive a bottle of champagne and a book voucher.
Slam MC Horst Thieme will charmingly guide you through the entertaining evenings. With music, pop and politics, slam and poetry - sometimes in combination, sometimes against each other.

This content has been machine translated.


Gaswerk, Augsburg Am Alten Gaswerk 1 86156 Augsburg

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