We encounter right-wing extremist content, sexism, racism, classism and ableism in all parts of society - what can we do about it? What conversation strategies are there to counter this? When do we draw a line so as not to provide a stage for this content and when is it worth entering into a conversation? We will address these questions through discussions and conversation exercises. The focus will be on getting to know and trying out specific conversation strategies.
Sunday, 16.3. 11.00 - 16.00 at the Linke Zentrum Hinterhof.
People of all genders are welcome.
Participation is free of charge. PARTICIPATION BY PRIOR REGISTRATION ONLY. The number of places is limited. Please register with your name at feministischeaktion@riseup.net
If you have any questions about barriers or other topics, please contact us by email or on instagram @feministischeaktionduesseldorf/
You can find more information about the action weeks on our website feministischer-kampftag-duesseldorf.de and on instagram: @feministischerkampftag
We look forward to seeing you!
Your Feminist Action Düsseldorf
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