Stars & Illusions
The desire to connect with allies across generations - in the past or even into the future - is shared by these films. These "critical fabulations" (Saidiya Hartman) combine archival research and fictional narrative to fill gaps in the historiography.
Mojisola Adebayo and the STARS Collective - Candice Purwin, Debo Adebayo, Tyler Friedman
GB / DE 2025, 7'
An afrofuturistic animation about extraterrestrial afro-hermaphroditic, anthro-amphibian migrants.
Hot Take on Germany
Marny Garcia Mommertz
DE 2024, 20'
How does the legacy of Fasia Jansen - Black German Holocaust survivor, singer and peace activist - still resonate in a diasporic network today?
Julie Dash
USA 1983, 34'
1942 in a Hollywood studio: the studio manager Mignon is read as white and has the singing voice of a white Hollywood star dubbed by the African-American Ester. Both are confronted with an environment that perpetuates false images as true.
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