Thursday, 05.02.26 | Zeche Carl | Admission: 19:00 | Start: 20:00 | Comedy
VVK: 20€ plus fees | B.O.: 26€
"AUTHENTISCHKEIT" the only true satirical evening with Florian Hacke
It's always "Just be yourself!" - but what if you're just a tired mediocrity yourself? "Authenticity" is not only difficult to spell, it's also usually the beginning of a lifetime of disappointment. For everyone! Florian Hacke also tried for a really long time to "just be himself" and at the same time respect his fellow human beings, but with three small children now, he simply doesn't have the energy for long-term life lies. That's why he now relies on credible honesty and makes the world a low-threshold offer:
He's not actively preventing anyone from thinking the best of him, but if you ask him honestly, he can't guarantee anything. Be there too - live, real, with no filter. "Authenticity" is your chance to spend an evening being exactly the wreck that looks back at you from the bathroom mirror every morning.
Without pressure. Without pretension. But with champagne. So that you can say afterwards: "Oh, I'm not doing so bad in comparison!"
Price information:
VVK: 20€ plus fees | B.O.: 26€