D: Marie Thomas-Penette & François-Xavier Destors | Senegal/France 2022 | frz/WolofOmeU | 72 min.
D: Rachid Bouchareb | Algeria/France 2004 | frzOmdtU | 9 min.
Admission 7 | 5 Euro (reduced), tickets: filmhaus-koeln.de
The documentary THIAROYE 44 accompanies young Senegalese artists and hip-hop musicians in search of traces of a colonial crime: at the end of 1944, African war returnees, many of whom had survived German imprisonment, were massacred on the orders of their French officers in Thiaroye, a suburb of Dakar, simply because they were demanding their outstanding pay. The historian Martin Mourre, who is supporting the search for traces in Senegal, assumes that "300 to 400 colonial soldiers" perished at the time. This colonial crime was long denied by the French government. But artists from Africa have repeatedly reminded us of it.
This includes the well-known Algerian director Rachid Bouchareb, who made L'AMI Y A BON , an animated film about the Thiaroye massacre. The short film is also shown permanently at a video station in the Africa chapter of the exhibition THE THIRD WORLD IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR. However, the film is even more impressive on the big screen.
The film screening is part of the program accompanying the exhibition "The Third World in the Second World War" at the NS Documentation Centre. See also The Third World in the Second World War