Falling Down
++++ nominated for the Kurt Hackenberg Prize 2023++++
What does it mean when the foundations of a civilizational order are so fragile that
people from the center of society suddenly attack all the values that are considered true and effective?
and effective? How is it possible for this to happen in a society whose values have been
values have been taught on a daily basis in a humanistic and liberal democratic
educational structure, taught on a daily basis?
The character of the fictional protagonist Stephan S. is based on a real case. Stephan
S.'s criminal career is that of an internet troll who, within a year, went from
hate mail writer to organizer and influencer of a right-wing extremist network within a year.
network. Protected by his own four walls and the two-dimensionality of his
home computer, he acted anonymously for years and played down his complicity,
even to himself.
But then he goes too far. He loses control of his network and "the ghosts he called
he called" take on a life of their own. The catastrophe begins.
Text & director: Björn Gabriel
Set & production: Anna Marienfeld
Video: Lisa Reutelsterz
Play: Stephan Weigelin, Anna Marienfeld
Lighting: Jan Wiesbrock
Assistant directors: Gina Bensch, Clara Thull
Admission: 20€ / 13€ reduced / 10€ Cologne Pass
🎟 Tickets: https://www.qultor.de/kulturschaffende/studio-trafique
👉 All information: www.studio-trafique.de
The Box Office opens one hour before the performance begins.