PHOTO: © Fabian Schellhorn

Abgesagt | Eurotrash

In the organizer's words:
"How I had ever managed to pull myself out of the misery and mental illness of my family, out of these abysses that could not have been deeper and more abysmal and miserable, and to become a halfway normal person, I could not unravel. The first-person narrator, Christian Kracht, buys it in Zurich on Paradeplatz at a stand selling hand-knitted goods. Later, in his hotel room, he comes across a brochure in the shopping bag: The knitting commune is where he was born, and so he sets off on a final road trip together with his eccentric, seriously ill mother. With a cab and 600,000 francs in luggage to be squandered as an attempt at liberation, with plenty of vodka and sleeping pills, a rollator and an artificial bowel outlet, they head up into the Swiss mountains and at the same time on a journey into their own family history, which is marked by a sophisticated jet set, a Nazi past, abuse, illness and addiction. The encounter between mother and son becomes a joint, but also always competing parforceride through memory: what should be recalled and told, what should remain unspoken, forgotten and repressed?Jan Bosse, who is directing for the first time at the Schaubühne, will stage Christian Kracht's latest novel as a two-person play with Joachim Meyerhoff and Angela Winkler. This content has been machine translated.


Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz Kurfürstendamm 153 10709 Berlin

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