
You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

The European elections will take place on June 9. Why is voting important and why should everyone use their vote? Here are a few reasons:

1. because voting is my right and a privilege!
Voting in elections is a great privilege. That's why you should use your vote.

2 .because every vote counts!
Elections are often very close. Every single vote counts. Your vote is important!

3. because not voting out of protest doesn't work!
The decision on who is elected to parliament and which party has the majority can depend on just a few votes - in case of doubt, just yours.

This is all the more true in the European elections, as there is no threshold clause. This was decided by the Federal Constitutional Court in 2014. There is no five-percent threshold for elections to the European Parliament, as there is for Bundestag elections. Therefore, all parties and political associations elected in Germany take part in the distribution of seats in the European Parliament allocated to Germany.

4. because others decide if you don't vote!
If votes are not cast, they are lost. If you don't vote, you let others decide the future of Europe. So if you don't vote, others will decide who represents you. Quite simply, if I want to have a say in who governs, I have to vote.

5. because voting protects against extremism!
If you don't go to the polls to protest against the established parties, you are supporting extremists. After all, according to a study by the Bertelsmann Foundation, almost eight percent of all eligible voters in Germany have extreme right-wing views. There has been a shift to the right in many EU member states for years. If too few people exercise their right to vote or abstain, there is a significantly higher risk that representatives of extremist parties will be elected and able to make important decisions.

6 Because voting means taking responsibility!

Politicians decide today on many issues of tomorrow that will affect young people in the future. Non-voters refrain from taking responsibility for the future and actively shaping it.

Do you still have questions about the election? 👉 CLICK HERE

This content has been machine translated.


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