Leev Jecke,
this year there will again be one and a half small traditional events in the CocktailContor, to which all nice people are invited and may and should be brought along ...
Singing in
On Saturday, February 22, 2025, there will be our traditional collective sing-in. You'll find new songs for the session on the lyric sheets, as well as a few old favorites. It starts at 6 pm.
Kölsch, cocktails and Fastelovendsmusik will be provided. The whole thing in full costume, of course ...
Nubbel burning
On Carnival Tuesday, it's the Nubbel's turn: we'll be giving the Nubbel a short ceremonial send-off in the CocktailContor on Tuesday evening from 6 pm. At around 7.30 pm, the Nubbel will be escorted to the Südtstadt pub Lotta. He will then be burned at midnight in the Südstadt with the Lotta Nubbel and other Südstadt Nubbels. If you would like to come along then: We'd love to - unfortunately we can't guarantee admission to the Lotta or other Südstadt pubs - it's just Fasteleer ... :-)
We're looking forward to it - ne schöööne Jrooß, your CocktailContor.