In the organizer's words:

Robert Nippoldt
Trio Größenwahn

The show for the award-winning Berlin book with Robert Nippoldt and the Trio Größenwahn

Artist meets trio. With live drawings and chansons from Marlene Dietrich, Friedrich Hollaender, the Threepenny Opera to the Comedian Harmonists, Robert Nippoldt and the Trio Größenwahn take you on a visually and tonally stunning journey through time.

An enticing voice, a lively bass, a swinging piano. This is music that makes your feet want to dance - and so do your brushes! And they really do: live in front of the amazed audience, they conjure up a couple dancing to the beat on the white canvas.
The brushes are masterfully wielded by Robert Nippoldt and are not the only drawing tools that make an appearance in this special interplay of music and art. With chalk, pencil and ink, the stars of the Weimar Republic are resurrected in a few moments and the Memorial Church gets its roof back.

Thanks to the camera and large-scale projection, the audience is very close to every stroke that the artist's hand puts down on paper with casual elegance. The drawings projected onto the screen during the show are just one part of the diverse repertoire. A silhouette production of Brecht's Pirate Jenny is impressively created in a perfect symbiosis of sound, acting and image.

The Comedian Harmonists dismantle a grand piano in visible and audible ecstasy. You stroll through the capital with your eyes wide open and a slapstick number pays homage to the beginnings of sound film. It's also amazing how you can get to know all the chancellors of the Weimar Republic in just three minutes.
in just three minutes.

Organizer: wunderlich-music, Potsdam

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Nikolaisaal Potsdam Wilhelm-Staab-Straße 10-11 14467 Potsdam

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