Kaosclown "Kaos in Orange"
With a dustbin full of slapstick, gags and crazy ideas, the Kaosclown lives up to his name. What at first glance seems inconspicuous is in the next moment a ludicrous spectacle of comedy, magic and artistry. Not only does he climb into the world's biggest chewing gum balloon, he also makes children disappear before your very eyes. Either way, the crazy anarcho-comedian makes his audience laugh by every trick in the book and presents an uproariously funny show in orange! Poetic - Chaotic - Elastic - Fantastic.
There will be a group performance on 24.3. at 10 am. Booking via s.schreiber@werk-2.de.
Our advance booking is open until 2 hours before the start of the show. After that, tickets are available at the box office.