The Union, an authoritarian state in the not-too-distant future. Kundai Anderson believes she has reached the goal of her dreams. Just a few more stamps and a few more signatures and she finally receives the building permit for her long-planned spa. But the dream suddenly turns into a nightmare. The young woman is confronted with strange questions - "You want people to rest and think? Think about what?" - and finally she is taken away and locked in a cell.
The agents of Unit A, where Anderson has ended up, suspect her of supporting the Nox Initiative, a seditious group bent on destabilizing the Union through displays of uncontrolled laughter, exalted behavior and undisguised emotion. In her cell, Kundai Anderson meets a mysterious woman who is also suspected of belonging to the Nox Initiative. She has been held there for many years and has developed highly peculiar survival and resistance techniques.
Zaza Muchemwa is a poet, playwright and theater director who lives and works in Zimbabwe. She has been invited to stage the play she wrote in the Non-European Theater series in the 24/25 season.
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