"I want you to know that I am always with you."
Far in the far north, a lonely fisherman is out in his kayak when he suddenly discovers something that takes his breath away: A group of seals have shed their fur and turned into human women. He falls in love with one of the seal women and quickly takes her fur. She is actually prepared to leave her native element, the water, and marry the fisherman - on one condition: After seven years, he must give her back her fur. Their child grows up happily, but the seven years are soon over. Will the fisherman keep his promise?
Whether it's the suspenseful cracking of the ice or the light-heartedness of a deeply felt love: this Inuit fairy tale takes us into musically touching worlds of sound that go straight to the heart. Valérie Junker, director at the Hanover State Opera, stages The Seal Woman's Child, a story that tells of love, loss and acceptance - themes that are directly relevant to our lives.