Allez venez, ladies and gentlemen, enter the Cabaret Canaille! The burlesque club takes you to the underworld. Strange characters cavort there: Drag kings, contortionists, crooks and burlesque strippers.
For her new show, Valentina del Pearls travels back to the golden age of the 1920s to 1940s, to the era of American prohibition, the heyday of burlesque variety shows. Behind the feathers and glitter lies the story of female disobedience. Burlesque is the art of circumventing the laws of censorship, of showing a lot but hiding the essentials. In the end, everything is left to your imagination...
After its great success at the 2023 festival, the Paris Burlesque Club is back on the Small Stage. Look forward to another sizzling encounter with Valentina del Pearls, Sucre d'Orge or the infamous Vicomte Harbourg - outlandish acts on the edge of good taste.
Watch the trailerhere!
Burlesque show by Valentina Del Pearls
In French language with German surtitles
Le Burlesque Klub Paris
Paris, France
Staged by Valentina Del Pearls
With Chanelle de Mai / Kiki Béguin, Sucre d'Orge, Les Soeurs Papilles, Valentina Del Pearls, Vicomte Harbourg