In the organizer's words:

"At eye level" How we don't lose our young people. A Berlin social worker tells his story - Literature LIVE book premiere

Burak Caniperk is a passionate social worker. Even though he is poorly paid and often receives little appreciation for his work. In his book, he takes us onto the streets of Berlin, where he encounters young people with a variety of problems every day, not only in the "problem districts", but also in the supposedly better parts of the city: they take drugs, have mental health problems, can't cope in their families or receive no support whatsoever. Some fall out of the system completely and are overwhelmed by everything.

Burak knows that these young people in particular need adults who not only see their difficulties, but also treat them as equals. Of course there are hopeless cases, but they are exceptions. What most of them need, however, are prospects and the right approach.

Burak Caniperk never gives up on his young people, even if he is sometimes on the verge of doing so, because he knows only too well how they feel: He used to be a listless stoner himself, hanging out with his friends in blocks of flats in Hanau. He wasn't born with high school diplomas, a degree and success, but he still made his way - partly because someone believed in him. That's why he knows better than many others how important it is not to look away, but to keep at it.

In a nutshell: the incredibly likeable and authentic social worker Burak Caniperk takes us onto the streets of Berlin and shows us the reality of life for many young people who usually don't play a role in the public eye.

"At eye level" will be published by Kösel Verlag on October 16, 2024

This content has been machine translated.


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