„Broken German“ – Lesung und Diskussion mit Tomer Gardi. Literatur im interkulturellen Kontext

In the organizer's words:

It would be a perfectly normal, high-spirited and unabashed urban novel if it weren't for its language, the language of all these migrants who, like the narrator - "This is not German!" - were removed from their language and thrown out of the story or narrative. "Only people with a permanent residence and a residence permit write realism," says Tomer Gardi, and in "Broken German" he develops an allusive, sophisticated and amusing plea for linguistic diversity in one language, for breaking the rules, for the non-standardized.

Tomer Gardi studied literature and educational science in Tel Aviv and Berlin. His debut novel "Broken German" was published in 2016. In 2017, the radio play for "Broken German" received the ARD German Radio Play Award. Gardi won the Leipzig Book Fair Prize in 2022 with his novel "Eine runde Sache".

In cooperation with the ASG-Bildungsforum Düsseldorf.

Please register inadvance by email(anmeldungen-hhi@duesseldorf.de) or by telephone (0211/89-95571).

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Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf

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