the third walk was simply the (positive) madness with you, the fourth will most likely be at least as nice: here comes no. 5 🧘
We want to meet with you on 13.4.25, at 14.00h, at the park gate in @speckenbuetteler_park. Here we want to go for a big and cozy walk and chat with you, or just enjoy being outside for a bit.
Afterwards, the lovely @anahata.bremerhaven has agreed to give a free yoga class and we would like to deal with positive and strengthening affirmations. 🌅 (many thanks to @havenyogabhv, the whole thing will take place there). ⚓️
For the yoga finale, there will unfortunately have to be a limited number of participants and the first 15-17 women will paint first (just send us a message). Yoga mats are available, take something comfortable to wear with you!
Of course everyone can join the walk!
We look forward to seeing you, about what is and what is to come. 🌙
Your Sarah & Jana