Admission: 18:00
Start 19:00
Breaking Braun - The Pride Show
Glitter, music, comedy and great costumes - there is hardly anything the brown agitators fear as much as
than cheerful, carefree and colorful images. In Pride month, we all show our colors
a little more than the rest of the year and defend love and the right to self-determination!
On this evening, you will not only see some of the best acts of recent years,
new and flashy, tragic and funny, political and the pure fun of it all.
of joy.
The KeinKunstDrags are a colorful troupe whose long-standing friendships don't just show.
you can feel it in every comment, no matter how malicious.
And they don't come alone, but bring various friends with them, who accompany them on
friends they have picked up on their journey through the cabaret scene, including Hoeratio Belvedere
and Marina Monroe. And they enjoy good entertainment just as much as Tara
Cotta, Fey Knus, Liz Z., Gloria Gossip, Luna de Lumière and Daphne Dragee.
The KeinKunstDrags are the in-house ensemble of KeinKunst e.V., a non-profit organization
a non-profit association for the promotion of queer stage culture in Cologne.