PHOTO: © Denise Jans via Unsplash

Bochum vor 50 Jahren: die Jahresschau 1974

In the organizer's words:

The municipal reorganization is getting closer. Lord Mayors Claus (Bochum) and Schwirtz (Wattenscheid) meet for talks. Citizens' initiatives protest against the reorganization and DüBoDo. The traditional "Kaiseraue" in Grumme is demolished and plans for a new sports center on Castroper Straße take shape ...

Produced by the press office of the city of Bochum,
1975, black and white, color, sound, 45 min.

  • Limited number of seats: Reservation required!
    The necessary registrations, including personal contact details, can be made by e-mail to or by calling 0234 910-9510 (telephone registration Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.).
    Uncollected tickets expire ten minutes before the start of the movie.
This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Limited number of seats: Reservation required! The necessary registrations, including personal contact details, can be made by e-mail to or by calling 0234 910-9510 (telephone registration Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.). Tickets not collected expire ten minutes before the start of the film.


Stadtarchiv Bochum Wittener Straße 47 44789 Bochum

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