Irr[en]Garten is a leipzig based music & art project standing for diversity. they're political, feminist and queer-friendly, always delivering good and fast music.
19:00 table tennis
23:00 Irr[en]Garten rave
Line-Up: tba
table tennis costs 3€, if you stay for the rave you‘ll get a 2€ discount at the entrance. we don’t sell drinks before 11pm but you can bring your own.
☻ Racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, trans- or homophobia and all other forms of discrimination won't be tolerated!
☻ Enjoy the moment - no photos, no videos, no stories!
☻ Feeling uncomfortable, being harassed, or noticing others who may need help? - Contact the Awareness team or our staff in confidence.
☻ You've lost something? Then write to
☻ Please bring a valid ID Document