2025 marks the seventh round of the now almost traditional Best of Poetry Slam in the Stadtpark - Kampf der Künste is bringing Hamburg's biggest open-air slam back to the Stadtpark stage, because people love sequels and we love people. This is where the best slammers on the scene come together, banging poetry, thoughtful prose, stand-up comedy and rap poetry, anything is possible and anything can (and will) happen! Summer, sun, cactus, an obligatory cold drink and plenty of slam poetry for your ears - that's as good as it gets. Rounded off with a great musical guest and a charming moderator, we look forward to pressing the summer with you. So: Save the Date, buy the ticket, take the Ride!
What am I allowed to bring/what not?A slam by Kampf der Künste
A production of 10 Punkte GmbH
Organizer: Stadtpark Open Air Hamburg
#culture #poetryslam #humor #standup #hamburg_________________________
Line-UpFlorian Wintels
Jan Philipp Zymny
Kirsten Fuchs
Teresa Reichl
Featured ArtistFlorian Künstler
ModerationDavid Friedrich
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