Every year, December marks the beginning of a time with more trials than any jungle camp. From tying the Advent wreath to the official closing of the old year. From being forced to attend Christmas parties to exchanging bad purchases.
Mr. Hämmerle - an expert in all aspects of life - will guide you through this critical time.
It begins with the first Advent and only really ends on New Year's morning with the traditional hangover breakfast.
Hämmerle knows how crafty you have to be to get your own Christmas tree in black in the Black Forest. He knows that homemade fireworks can be a real hit. And he also knows how to keep his relatives at a distance at this time of year.
However, he is not particularly successful with this strategy.
The fact that Uncle Hubert and Aunt Evi, along with their by-catch, are several of these specimens, presents even the worldly-wise Bempflinger with a few problems.