PHOTO: © Waschhaus Potsdam

"A/way home" & "Saudade de Ti"

In the organizer's words:

The Oxymoron Dance Company's summer dance spectacle on the lake stage at Tiefen See has already become a tradition in Schiffbauergasse. This year, we are once again opening the stage to young international dancers and choreographers.

We are looking forward to the first edition of Moving Bodies - Festival for Dance at the Deep Lake.

The Moving Bodies festival follows the idea of presenting different artistic perspectives and forms of expression. Encounters, changes of perspective, a play of diverse thoughts, all this through dance, to enter into an exchange and to inspire, encourage and respect each other.


"A/way home"


Artistic Director: Carlos Aller
Choreography: Carlos Aller in collaboration with Cecilia Bartolino
Performers: Carlos Aller and Cecilia Bartolino

In "A/way Home" we experience how overcoming challenges empowers the individual and highlights gender equality. In our performance, two characters show equal parts determination and embody vulnerability and resistance to societal injustices. Our play challenges gender norms and hierarchical structures that marginalize the less privileged. Furthermore, we aim to empower women by illustrating their ability to provide both physical and emotional support to men, while emphasizing the importance of men embracing sensitivity and vulnerability.

Rather than focusing solely on gender, the play explores larger social issues such as marginalization and economic inequality. It encourages viewers to recognize the gap between wealth and homelessness and to hope for a society where everyone is treated with dignity, regardless of their background, race or social class.

We question that superficial values lead to happiness and instead think that they can lead to inner emptiness. Inspired by our research into the complexities of society, the story depicts issues such as economic hardship, struggles and unemployment. We encourage the audience to see past superficial appearances and judgments, and emphasize the importance of empathy towards all.

The performance is inspired by different cultural areas, urban landscapes of big cities around the world as well as "Lily and The Vagabond".

"A/way Home" challenges the audience to face difficult realities and develop empathy and understanding. Our aim is to entertain, provoke thought and create inspiration, bringing the audience closer to the strength and abilities of each individual, regardless of gender or social status. With this piece we hope to create a cultural environment where everyone feels included and treated equally.


"Saudade de Ti"

The aim of this performance is to put ourselves in the audience's shoes and interact with them through contemporary dance. We used our bodies as tools and were inspired by theater, partnering, contact improvisation and dance qualities such as breakdance and hip hop. Saudade is a complex and subjective feeling that can be defined as a bittersweet longing for a time in the past. Saudade is the burning desire to return to the past and live the life we once had. We want experiences, places, things, people and even ourselves to be what they once were

In "Saudade de Ti" we find and create a path that dives into nostalgia in order to heal. It is often associated with a "deterioration of old age" but can occur at any stage of life. It is mediated by hormones, neurotransmitters and cognitive processes.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Advance booking plus fees.


Waschhaus Potsdam Schiffbauergasse 6 14467 Potsdam

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