PHOTO: © Luisa Goede

Arturo Monologe, Dialoge, Best Of - Klassisch:Wuchtig

In the organizer's words:
The young, diverse, authentic ensemble of the Arturo Drama School Cologne presents itself with current dramatic works - classical, modern and free monologues, dialogs and group scenes - exciting, diverse and passionate! Take a look! The popular MonoMittWoch (organized by Arturo on the first Wednesday of every month) shows a small "best of" from the past year. Luisa Goede presents her winning monologue from the 2nd Cologne Monologue Festival! With the kind permission of the publishers Hoffmann und Campe and S. Fischer Director: Bijan Benjamin and others 21:00 - 21:30 Luisa Goede Play: Medea, final monologue Authors: Euripides, Franz Grillparzer Duration: 7 mins Katrin Kahlen Play: The School of Women, Agnès Author: Molière Duration: 5 mins Jana Musial Play: Der zerbrochene Krug, Ruprecht Author: Heinrich von Kleist Duration: 7 min. Michael Hafner Play: Othello, Jago Author: William Shakespeare Duration: 5 min. 21:30 - 22:00 Sara Zimmermann Play: Kein Denkmal für Gudrun Ensslin Author: Christine Brückner Duration: 8 min. Gilbert Brakonier Play: The Seagull, Monologue Treplew Author: Anton Chekhov Duration: 5 min. Luc Bröckling Title: A feeling you can't explain Author: Bijan Benjamin Duration: 8 min. This content has been machine translated.


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