Berlin, 1927: Friends Günther and Paul are enjoying life to the full. Paul likes Günther's sister Hilde, Günther is passionately in love with the apprentice cook Hans. Together they write poetry, drink absinthe and party to excess. However, when the circle of friends meets for a summer party at the country house, a maelstrom of jealousy, arrogance and longing for death begins, bringing everyone to the brink of the abyss...
Based on the true events of the "Steglitzer Schülertragödie", Ella Schetter, Samuel Haubrich, Filia Herden, Johanna Langtim, Kristina Geßner and Nur Karahan stage a play they have developed themselves under the direction of Marcus Krone. They interweave their own improvisations with motifs from the film and book as well as song, dance and poetry.
Production: Akademietheater e.V., Theaterakademie Köln
With: Ella Schetter, Samuel Haubrich, Filia Herden, Johanna Langtim, Kristina Geßner, Nur Karahan | Director: Marcus Krone | Photo: Theaterakademie Köln
This content has been machine translated.Price information:
19,00 € normal | 12,00 € reduced | 8,00 € with Köln-Pass (excl. fees)