The Chapiteau is erected, the ring is clear! The creatures from the surrounding parallel universe make their entrance.
The carnival guests become the stars in the ring, the stars become sawdust and the sawdust gets stuck! And so the dance on the volcano begins: Germany we weave your shroud and into it we weave the triple curse:
The cleansing effect of carnival on the human psyche is well known.
The three cornerstones of the celebrations are recalled here.
What must be wanted! Klaus goes out with Petra and Carola - Klausen's real girlfriend - takes revenge by giving a strange young man a good licking in the toilet.
The carnival grouch is beaten with a variety of methods until a long, manic laugh finally bursts out of him.
The body of the reveler is fed food and drink in excess, so that he reaches the night's resting place completely unconscious.
Or something like that. The man goes fast and Fasching rests!
In Waterloo's flying circus, the Pope tap-dances in chain mail and a quadruped ejaculates orally in front of the pharmacy! Clean!
Fernando Schindler from the Pichmännel Fasching festival committee in Dresden laments the impending shortage of skilled workers at the largest carnival in the Saxon capital.
"We currently have many vacancies for skilled workers. In particular, Indians, Eskimos, ladybugs, pirates, cats and mice are completely understaffed. This means we can no longer guarantee the carnival in its usual form." "There is currently an infiltration of sexy police patrols and seductive nuns. There are also numerous sightings of the legendary ski jumper and jogging proll." Fernando Schindler continues.
Fernando Schindler has hope when he looks across the humor border towards the Czech Republic. We call out to the carnivalists in Usti nad Laben: "Come as you are!"
"With the help of carnival experts from the Czech Republic, we will at least be able to save the carnival in 2024." Fernando Schindler is certain.
The solution could be:
"Less salmon carpaccio with saffron sauce au lait more gulatsch with Knedlički"
Pichmännel Fasching is working on AI-based solutions for using less intelligence...
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