Film Synopsis: "...But I don't believe life is supposed to be easy." Dancers in an underground room somewhere in Tehran. They move gracefully through the simple space, constantly developing new approaches to choreography, using chalk, individual props, but above all their bodies, which are crying out for an opportunity to express themselves freely. Dance in Iran has fallen into a state-imposed slumber. A few soloists manage to break out occasionally, but never an entire ensemble. The former dancers of the Iranian National Ballet Company also find it difficult to return to their country of birth to meet their courageous successors. Sensitive and incredibly honest - a dance of emotions! Anna Magdalena Hofer
Germany, Iran, USA 2021 - Director: Sarvnaz Alambeigi - Writer: Sarvnaz Alambeigi - Cinematography: Mehdi Azadi - Sound: Ensieh Maleki - Editing: Hamid Najafirad - Music: Masoud Sekhavatdoust - Production: Filmpunkt GmbH, Rabison Art Production, Louise Rosen Ltd, SWR/ARTE - Sarvnaz Alambeigi, Stefan Tolz, Thomas Riedelsheimer, Louise Rosen - Distribution: Louise Rosen Ltd - Original language: English, Farsi - Subtitles: German, English - Length: 80 min.
Since November, you can find a new film every month on our online platform for artistic feature-length documentaries. We started with JONAS DEICHMANN - DAS LIMIT BIN NUR ICH and GIRL GANG. Since February 1, 1001 NIGHTS APART has been available for a fee of 5.00 euros.