It's Pride Time in Dortmund! Celebrate with us events that celebrate queerness, fight against criminalization, stigmatization and exclusion and draw attention to the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community! ✊

In addition to the big demonstration and the colorful street festival on the occasion of CSD 2024, there are several other events in Dortmund in September that celebrate the diversity and cohesion of the LGBTQIA+ community. Whether you fancy karaoke or brunch or would like to learn more about topics such as the meaning of LGBTQIA+ or how to deal with young trans and non-binary people - you can find the right events here 🏳️‍🌈✨

You can find information about the 26th CSD in Dortmund 👉 here !

26. CSD Dortmund

Sa, 14.09.2024 13:00
Free admission

Be a part of CSD and set an example for equality and solidarity! As part of the demonstration, you will be standing up for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community 🏳‍🌈. At the street party afterwards, you can discover lots of new things, meet great people and, above all, have fun! Happy Pride 🥰🌈

Queerer Brunch

Queerer Brunch
So, 01.09.2024 10:30
Auf Spendenbasis

Brunches are great anyway - and then there's the chance to meet new people and chat openly? We think that's unbeatable! Enjoy your meal 😋!

Queerer Tresen

Queerer Tresen
Fr, 06.09.2024 19:00
Free admission

Would you rather stand at the bar or sing karaoke fervently? Or both? Off you go to the queer bar 🥳🎤! This is the perfect way to open the weekend 🏳‍🌈.

Queer Times

Queer Times
© Andra C Taylor Jr via unsplash
Mi, 11.09.2024 18:30
Free admission

Have you been looking for a place to come together and exchange ideas for a while? At Queer Times you can meet inspiring people, share your own story or simply gather experiences. We think that's wonderful 🌈!

Queerer Treff

Queerer Treff
© Alexander Grey via unsplash
Do, 12.09.2024 18:00
Free admission

The queer meeting place brings people from the LGBTQIA+ community together and creates a safe space for exchange and open discussion. You are also very welcome if you are (still) unsure about your queer identity🥰.

Spielegruppe für LSBTIQ

Spielegruppe für LSBTIQ
Sa, 14.09.2024 22:00
Free admission

Today it's game night! Uno, Doppelkopf, Wizard, Mills... - you name it 😄. Collect your game pieces, grab your friends by the hand and off you go for a fun evening with great people and maybe a win or two 🎉.

Queerer Buchclub

Queerer Buchclub
Mo, 23.09.2024 18:30
Free admission

Queer reading! It's a good time to rekindle your passion for reading, especially as we enter the mucky season. Of course, it's most fun when you can exchange ideas together and get some reading inspiration - especially here, of course, if you're not quite as familiar with queer literature. 🔥

SEMINAR: Queersensible Handlungskompetenzen in der (sozial)pädagogischen Praxis

SEMINAR: Queersensible Handlungskompetenzen in der (sozial)pädagogischen Praxis
© balou e.V.
Mi, 13.11.2024 09:00
114,00 €

Here you can really rediscover the topics of pride, queerness, gender identities and stereotypes and certainly learn a lot of new things. We think it's great that this event gives you the opportunity to explore these important topics in depth. Participation is open to everyone, regardless of whether you belong to the LGBTQIA+ community or not 🏳‍🌈.

Frequently asked questions about the CSD in Dortmund

1 What is Christopher Street Day (CSD) and why is it celebrated?

Christopher Street Day (CSD) commemorates the 1969 Stonewall riots on Christopher Street in New York. These riots marked the beginning of the modern LGBTQIA+ movement. CSD is celebrated to demonstrate for the rights and acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community while celebrating diversity and love.

2. how can I prepare for the CSD?

Here are a few tips for preparing for the CSD:

  • Outfit: Trage bequeme Kleidung und Schuhe, die zu einem langen Tag draußen passen. Zeig gerne deine Pride-Farben!
  • Sonnenschutz: Denke an Sonnencreme, Sonnenbrille und einen Hut, um dich vor der Sonne zu schützen.
  • Verpflegung: Nimm genug Wasser mit, um hydratisiert zu bleiben. Snacks können auch hilfreich sein.
  • Verhalten: Respektiere andere Teilnehmer:innen und achte auf die Anweisungen der Organisatoren und Sicherheitskräfte​​n

3. what security measures will be taken during the CSD in Dortmund?

During the CSD in Dortmund, extensive security measures will be taken to ensure the safety of all participants. These include an increased police presence, security checks and clear emergency plans. There are also special contact points (in the form of the awareness team) for reporting incidents and contact persons for victims of discrimination and violence. So-called demo angels and stewards ensure that everything runs smoothly during the demo.

4. can I still take part in the CSD demonstration in Dortmund as a person with a walking disability?

Yes, that's possible! The CSD Dortmund team offers you a ride if you can't make the journey yourself. You must register by September 11 so that you can be guaranteed a fixed place. You can find the necessary information here.

By the way: It's #DortmundZeigtFlagge again! From September 6-14, Pride flags will be hung up all over the city 🏳‍🌈

It doesn't matter whether it's on a balcony, a window or a flagpole - the main thing is that visible signs for the acceptance of queer people hang everywhere in Dortmund! You can share your flag or the ones you spot all over Dortmund on Instagram and tag them with the hashtags #DortmundZeigtFlagge and #CSDDortmund . ✨ Free flags are available at caféplus (Gnadenort 3-5, city center) on Thursday, September 5, 4 to 6 pm and on Monday, September 9, 3 to 5 pm. Please leave a small donation 😊🤭

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