Kölle Alaaf! - The Cologne fifth season is just around the corner. In addition to swaying in the local pub and fidgeting in your favorite club, it's also time for carnival parades and street carnival! As an absolute stronghold of carnival celebrations, Cologne naturally offers a full program. Whether it's a smaller Veedelszoch or a classic Rose Monday parade, we have put together a fine selection of different carnival parades in Cologne. From Sülz to Schälsick, from Nippes to the carnival parade in Kalk, you'll find what you're looking for here! We wish you lots of fun catching carnival sticks and sweets! 🍬🌷

👉 You can find the best carnival parties 2025 here

Geisterzug-Demo: Jeisterzoch en Kölle

Geisterzug-Demo: Jeisterzoch en Kölle
© Ähzebär un Ko e.V.
Sa, 22.02.2025 19:00
Free admission

The "Jeisterzoch" parades through the city again - this year under the motto: "Mer bruche Jeld för Kultur, do sin mer Jeister stur". This year, the "POLITICAL SPIRIT" is once again in the foreground, which is why the parade will once again take place as a demonstration one week before carnival.

Historisches Spiel von Jan un Griet

Do, 27.02.2025 13:45
Free admission

The historical play of Jan and Griet on Weiberfastnacht is a firm tradition in the southern part of Cologne and is performed on Chlodwigplatz. It's about love, arrogance, rich and poor - and late awakenings.

Kölner Sternmarsch 2025

Fr, 28.02.2025 17:45
Price at B.O.
Alter Markt

Cologne's Veedelsvereine parade from all directions to the Alter Markt. They celebrate together in front of this atmospheric backdrop and sparkle through the dark night with sparklers. It's best to go early and secure a coveted spot in the stands!

Schull- un Veedelszöch

Schull- un Veedelszöch
© Jason Dent
So, 02.03.2025 11:11
Free admission


Kölner Rosenmontagszug

Kölner Rosenmontagszug
© Mika Baumeister
Mo, 03.03.2025 10:00
from 0,00 €

The classic carnival parade - the Cologne Rose Monday parade sets off from the southern part of the city at 10 am. Look forward to 5 hours of cheerful festivities, creative floats in a class of their own, breathtaking costume highlights, atmospheric carnival music, plenty of Kamelle, Strüßjer and joode Laune in Cologne style - Kölle Alaaf!

Veedelszoch Zollstock

Veedelszoch Zollstock
© Mika Baumeister
Di, 04.03.2025 10:49
Free admission
Köln Zollstock

Veedelszoch Sülz

Veedelszoch Sülz
© Calla Mronz
Di, 04.03.2025 13:00
Free admission
Sülz / Klettenberg

In Sülz and Klettenberg, too, it's "D'r Zoch kütt!" on Shrove Tuesday. Here you can expect lots of neighborly togetherness, camels, swaying, laughter and hearty carnival songs. Throw on your costume and get out - are you there?

Veedelszoch Südstadt

Veedelszoch Südstadt
© Ian Kirkland
Di, 04.03.2025 13:00
Free admission
Südstadt Köln

The biggest Veedelszoch - nothing less awaits you at the carnival parade in Südstadt. Every year on Veilchendienstag, the parade takes place with confetti, camels and peaceful riots right across the Veedel, with the Südstadt shining in full Cologne style and jolly splendor. 🥳

Veedelszoch Nippes und Weidenpesch

Veedelszoch Nippes und Weidenpesch
© Mika Baumeister
Di, 04.03.2025 13:11
Free admission

The Veedelszoch in Nippes and Weidenpesch is one of the oldest traditional district parades in Cologne: it has been taking place every year since 1914. The Zoch is organized by the Nippeser Bürgerwehr - the Appelsinefunke. The perfect place to go on Veilchendienstag. ✨

Veedelszoch Kalk

Veedelszoch Kalk
© Mika Baumeister via Unsplash
Sa, 01.03.2025 13:30
Free admission

"Nelke statt Veilcher - D'r Zoch kütt Samsdag" - this year, the Kalker Veedelszoch will be taking to the streets on Carnival Saturday. Celebrating together, singing Cologne songs and living Cologne culture. Starting at Pfarrer-Moll-Straße, via Taunusstraße - Trimbornstraße - Vietorstraße - Vorsterstraße - Kalk-Mülheimer Straße - Kalker Hauptstraße - Steprathstraße. Bishin to the dissolution at: Kalker Markt. 👀

Veedelszoch Ehrenfeld

Veedelszoch Ehrenfeld
© Calla Mronz
Di, 04.03.2025 13:45
Free admission

Big, colorful, Ehrenfeld! The start is at 1.45 p.m. at Lenauplatz - from there the route continues along Subbelrather Straße, Leyendeckerstraße, Venloer Straße and Fuchsstraße to Vogelsanger Straße.

Veedelszoch Deutz

Veedelszoch Deutz
© Tanushree Rao
Di, 04.03.2025 14:00
Free admission

Kamelle, Strüßjer and the best Fastelovend atmosphere on the Schälsick. On Veilchendienstag, the Deutz Veedelszoch parades through the streets and transforms the right bank of the Rhine into a confetti-colored Jeck:innensphäre. 🕺

Veedelszoch Dellbrück

Veedelszoch Dellbrück
© Mika Baumeister
Di, 04.03.2025 14:00
Free admission

Jeck:innen in Dellbrück gather on Carnival Tuesday to celebrate, dance, marvel and enjoy the street carnival together. Off you go to the Veedelszoch in Dellbrück! 🥳

Veedelszoch Junkersdorf

Veedelszoch  Junkersdorf
© Jan Antonin
Di, 04.03.2025 14:00
Free admission

Junkersdorf in Fatselovend mode - there's plenty of camels and the best Cologne neighborhood atmosphere at the Veedelszug. The parade starts at 2 p.m. on Alfons-Nowak-Straße, from where the procession moves: Donauweg - Kärntnerweg - Südallee - Birkenallee - Sudetenweg - Kirchweg - Am Weidenpesch - Langgasse - Wilhelm-v.-Capitaine-Straße - Marsdorfer Straße 🍬

Veedelszoch Pesch

Veedelszoch Pesch
© Mika Baumeister
Di, 04.03.2025 14:11
Free admission

It's also "Kölle Alaaf!" in Pesch. The Pescher Veedelszoch sets off from Jakobusstraße on Veilchendienstag and runs along the following route: Johannesstraße - Paulshofstraße - Kästnerstraße - Heinering - Mengenicherstraße - Escher Straße - Kapellenweg - Donatusstraße - Elisabethstraße - Jakobusstraße - Hubertusstraße - Longericher Straße - Johannesstraße - Jakobusstraße

So, have you already put together your own personal carnival parade route? 👀
If you're missing a parade that we should definitely mention, enter it here.

Frequently asked questions about carnival parades in Cologne in 2025:

1. what should visitors to the Cologne carnival parades be aware of?

Attending the Cologne carnival parade for the first time? The Cologne carnival culture of the Jeck:innen ranges from customs and vocabulary to the dress code.

It's important to be prepared for the crowds that can gather, especially on the Rose Monday parade. But don't worry, with the right tips you'll get the most out of the carnival season.

  • Informiere dich im Voraus über die Events, schau dir die Umzugsroute im Veedel deiner Wahl an und such dir den passenden Platz, um das bunte Spektakel zu erleben.
  • Das Kostüm: Die passende Verkleidung gehört zum Karneval wie der Dom zu Köln. Sei kreativ, tob dich aus – besondere Kostüme sind immer gern gesehen. Was immer geht und ein Dauerrenner in Köln ist, ist der klassisch kölsche Rut-Wiess-Look. Solltest du auf der Jagd nach Kamelle und Strüßjer sein, bringt dir einen Beutel zum tragen mit. 
  • Besonders wichtig: Bleib respektvoll und lieb, genieße die ausgelassene Stimmung, Feier so wild du magst aber achte darauf dass dein Umfeld sicher bleibt. 

Whether you immerse yourself in the carnival world for just one day or celebrate from Weiberfastnacht to Ash Wednesday - you're guaranteed to find your carnival moment in Cologne! So pack your five senses and let yourself be enchanted by the 2025 carnival parades in Cologne. Alaaf!

2. what are the best costumes for Carnival 2025?

The current carnival season brings with it a variety of costume trends, here are some of the most popular costumes for the coming session:

  • Glitzer & Disko-Kugel  Kostüme
  • Stars & VIP's wie z.B. Taylor Swift, Ski Aggu, Bill Kaulitz & Harry Styles 
  • "Red oder Green Flag" Kostüme 
  • Das geht immer: kölsche Hätzen höher Schlagen lassen in vollem Rut-Wiess-Look

3. what should you not miss at carnival parades in Cologne 2025?

As a carnival stronghold, Cologne has a lot to offer during the Fastelovend season. The clear highlight of the carnival processions is the big Rose Monday procession, which attracts many onlookers from near and far every year. But the smaller Veedels parades are also worth a visit. Divided into Cologne's districts, local clubs and organizations gather to celebrate in the best neighbourly spirit. Most of them parade through the streets on Veilchendienstag. As a hobbyhorse for the alternative carnival, the Geisterzoch is also worth a visit. The demonstration parades through Cologne a week before carnival and makes a clear statement on a topical issue every year.

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